The city



Illustri Festival International look - from 28th June to 27th October

Basilica Palladiana - Vicenza

The "Basilica Palladiana" is the symbolic building of Vicenza and it overlooks Piazza dei Signori, the city's main square.

Historic shops and taverns - Vicenza

You cannot visit Vicenza without taking a stroll among the historic shops and taverns of the past!

Villas of Andrea Palladio - Veneto

Follow Andrea Palladio and his architectural masterpieces with a visit to the Palladian villas along the Bacchiglione river.

Jewel Museum - Vicenza

Do you like jewels? The Jewel Museum in Vicenza is one of the few in the world dedicated exclusively to jewelry and is waiting for you with a super Abilmente promo!

Historic buildings of Vicenza centre

Palazzo Chiericati, Palazzo Leone Montanari, Teatro Olimpico are just some of the attractions you can't miss on your Vicenza tour!

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