Villas of Andrea Palladio - Veneto
Follow Andrea Palladio and his architectural masterpieces with a visit to the Palladian villas along the Bacchiglione river.
Vicenza - Padova - Venezia
The Palladian villas are a collection of architecturally wonderful Venetian villas, designed by Andrea Palladio. In addition to the "Basilica Palladiana", in the heart of Vicenza, it is worth visiting the villas in the Vicenza district, but also the Venetian Villas of the Brenta, with a beautiful tour to do by boat.
Which are the most famous, absolutely not to be missed?
Villa Capra Valmarana, called "La Rotonda" just outside the center of Vicenza, Villa Godi Malinverni, among the very first works by Palladio in Lugo di Vicenza, Villa Thiene in Quinto Vicentino and Villa Valmarana Pisani.
Among the Venetian villas of Brenta river we find instead the most famous: Villa Pisani in Strà and Villa Ca 'Marcello.