Abilmente Vicenza
After the various courses and shopping it's time to lunch or take a break ?!
In Abilmente Vicenza, in each pavilion, there is a refreshment point ready to satisfy any peckish, with gluten-free breakfast and lunch, for vegans and for those who prefer organic products!

coffee bar


time 8:30 - 19:00

The bar in Hall 1 with fresh aperitivi, appetizer and sandwiches, we have plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. Aperol or campari?

Hall 1 - piadineria

time: 12:00 - 16:00

The piadineria bar, with piadas from Romagna! Choose your ingredients among cold cuts, cheese and veggies.

Hall 6

time: 8:30-19:00

Between a creative workshop and a tour among the booths, come here to refresh yourself with a delicious sandwich! At this point of refreshment, we also have many gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan options!

hall 7.1

time: 9:00 - 18:30

The sandwich bar with sandwiches of all kinds, suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets as well, for a tasty snack or a quick lunch between one creative discovery and another!

Hall 7-A

time: 9:00 - 18:30

The spacious bar pizzeria you'll find just as you enter Hall 7 on the left, with tables and stools to enjoy: pizzas and sandwiches of all kinds, with vegetarian and vegan ingredients, and fresh ice cream.

hall 7-b

time: 9:00 - 18:30

At the end of Hall 7, there's a coffee bar where you can have sandwiches prepared with your choice of ingredients and traditional sandwiches. A great spot to create your vegetarian or vegan lunch just the way you like it!

Hall 8

time: 9:00 - 18:30

Cafeteria and sandwich bar offering a variety of quick meals, and snacks of all kinds, including vegan and vegetarian options. Creativity builds up an appetite!

restaurants and self service

Hall 7.1 - first floor

time 12:00 - 15:00
At the first floor of Hall 7, an elegant buffet restaurant with a nice view of Abilmente! Here you will be have a spolit of choice among the proposals of buffet menus: small or large dish with water starting from € 17, with special dishes for celiacs and vegans.

pic nic areas

Hall 6

an entire pavillion
Lot of space for your packed lunch in this picnic area equipped with benches and chairs. Next to the bar where you can finish your lunch with a cup of coffee!

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